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Who Pays What? Buyer & Seller Fees

Typical Buyer & Seller Fees for Southern California.

Please be aware some fees may be negotiable between the parties.

Item Conventional Sale FHA Sale VA Sale
Real Estate Commission Seller Seller Seller
C.I.T.A. (Title Policy) Seller Seller Seller
A.L.T.A. (Title Policy for New Lender) Buyer Buyer Buyer
Endorsement Fee (Required By Lender on Some Loans) Buyer Buyer Buyer
Sub-Escrow Fee (Fee charged by Title Company for handling of funds) Seller/Buyer Seller Seller
Recording Fee (Grant Deed) Buyer Buyer Buyer
Recording Fee (Reconveyance) Seller Seller Seller
Recording Fee (New Trust Deed) Buyer Buyer Buyer
Change of Ownership (If not filed with Grant Deed) Buyer Buyer Buyer
Escrow Fee Seller/Buyer Seller/Buyer Seller
Documentary Transfer Tax Seller Seller Seller
Tax Services (Lender) Buyer Seller Seller
Loan Fee (Lender) Buyer Seller/Buyer Seller
Discount Fee (Lender) Buyer Seller Seller
Appraisal Fee (Lender) Buyer Buyer Buyer
Credit Report (Lender) Buyer Buyer Buyer
Home Protection Policy Seller/Buyer Seller/Buyer Seller
CAL-FIRPTA (CAL Tax Withholding) Seller Seller Seller
Termite Inspection Seller Seller Seller
Termite Work (If Required) Seller Seller Seller